Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Results and challenges!

Hey, our local network is done!
12 laptops, 7 PCs and 7 Macs are ready to serve our students and volunteers. All together we have 26 computers. It is not quite like one student suggested during the election campaign for the 2008 Cabrini Connections Youth Leadership Council – one laptop on each table (40 laptops)…but almost. And the server is now running perfectly and silently.

Now our task/challenge is to utilize that technology. Numerous things have been done to try to increase it’s usage now we have to follow through.

What has been done? At this moment we have online community environment that, inside one Moodle course, include:
• A private forum, wiki and chat function for each student and mentor pair

• A forum, wiki and chatroom for all students
• A forum, wiki and chatroom for all mentors
• A forum, wiki and chatroom for all parents.
• Forms each student has to fill at the beginning and at the end of each session to track their goals and activities with their mentors. Only mentor of particular student can see the results of these forms.
• Forms each mentor has to fill after each session
• Blogs, wikis
• Career dictionary – a learning activity wherein each student has to input at least one term. Additionally, they can grade and comment on other students inputs
• Planning forum. Question and Answer forum – where each student-mentor couple should present their plan for coming year. However, they can not see other students answers unless they have already posted their own plan. Furthermore, each student and mentor can grade (list of 10 comments) each plan.

I think that is quite a lot. Now, our task is to use it and to improve it.
What are your thoughts abut it?

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